Dvija has been translated by the colonial historians as 'twice born'. This is a term which has been used for an Aryan who has undertaken Upnayan Yagna and as a result wears Yagyaupvita. Yagyaupvita is a circular thread or band that covers left shoulder and passes from right side of the body. The material for the thread is different for different people who enters at the stage of Brhamacharya as per norms of his family or the acharya whom he or she joins.
The colonial historians explain it as taking a second birth norm among aryans. The first birth is the natural or biological birth. The second birth is the ceremony which is referred to in the previous paragraph. Such a ceremony is some times also identified with Namkaran/dastar bandi ceremonies in which the name of the child is declared to the clan. It is emphasized here that Namakaran and upnayan yagna are not the same ceremonies but they have similar sanctity.
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Remark: The social aspects of Indian history or for that matter the whole of Indian history, remains restricted by the frames as envisaged, understood, explained and interpreted by colonial historians started by peculiar chapterization by J Mills history. Different variations in chapterization had taken place but some of the concepts invented and interpreted by colonial historians and then 'minus-religion' history of Marxist historians with their analytic paradigm consolidated them, remained as paranormal edifices of Indian society and guided the perception in modern and post modern academic field. No doubt, one of the shortcoming is the lack of efforts by the Indian scholars to present the history and social reality from Indian centric paradigms.
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